Social Engineering – A Tactical Guide to keep your data safe

A Tactical Guide to Social Engineering- 70-90% of all malicious breaches are due to social engineering & phishing attacks. Hackers love to prey on human weaknesses like Sympathy, Fear, Trust, Laziness, Ignorance, Greed, and Ego.
Malware and Viruses: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Data

By Karl Bickmore, CEO Snap Tech IT The terms “Malware” and “Virus” are used interchangeably in the computer world. While most people understand that both will create havoc on your system, they don’t necessarily know the differences between them. One of the best ways to protect your business data from both predators is to learn […]
Social Engineering

Increased sophistication of social engineering makes it difficult to know when you’re being had. Don’t fall for their tricks & see 5 techniques hackers are using to steal your data.
The Top 4 Ways Malware Is Spread

Every day, a company is infected with some form of malware. The Internet is a new battlefield; we’re in a cyberwar, hackers are the enemy and malware is the weapon.

Ransomware is an ever-evolving form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering any files and the systems that rely on them unusable. check out the tips & tricks you need to know to stay safe.
Top 4 Phishing Stats of 2020 & Your Best Lines of Defense

Phishing is the first delivery method for other types of malicious software. A phishing attack isn’t just targeted at
gaining information. but they can also be used to distribute malicious programs, such as ransomware.