Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Building a Culture of Cybersecurity in your Organization

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but how do you build and embrace a culture of cybersecurity that lasts all year long? Here are 4 key tips.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Four Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online from CISA

How can you help your employees stay secure online? Snap Tech IT digs into’s “Four easy ways to remain secure.”
Cybersecurity or Cyber Security? Does the Spelling Really Matter?

While your spelling choice doesn’t matter much, having a well-planned and executed cybersecurity strategy is vital.
8 Lies Businesses Tell Themselves About Security Awareness and Their People

Many businesses have some false beliefs when it comes to cybersecurity awareness and their people. These false assumptions can leave businesses vulnerable to cyber-attacks, data breaches, and financial loss.
Don’t buy into the lies, thinking everything is fine.